![Atlantic Estuarine Research Society's (AERS) Spring 2025 Meeting](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a9eec779772aeecca58eb94/1737481390854-UJMTRU5R51LHABTV7WMQ/IMG_9087.jpg)
Atlantic Estuarine Research Society's (AERS) Spring 2025 Meeting
Get ready to ride the waves of innovation and collaboration at the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society's (AERS) Spring 2025 Meeting!
Get ready to ride the waves of innovation and collaboration at the Atlantic Estuarine Research Society's (AERS) Spring 2025 Meeting!
Join us for the Spring 2025 meeting of the Delaware Statewide Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (DeSSAV) Workgroup!
Featuring: Dr. Dave Secor, Professor, University of Maryland Center, for Environmental Science. Dr. Secor and the TailWinds research team operate a coordinated program of fishery resource and marine mammal monitoring of the U.S. Wind offshore wind farm lease, which is currently in the pre-construction phase.
Attendance for this seminar is free and open to the public. The event will be held virtually. Advance registration is required; please register here: https://udel.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9cJ0EG43Rwecd23J7cs49A
DESG is hosting a Delaware Shellfish Forum and Delaware Aquaculture Association meeting on January 23rd.
How do scientists know what questions to investigate? How do we know if a scientific study is trustworthy? How is science used to make real-life decisions? Join a conversation with a panel of experts as they explore these questions—and feel free to bring your own!
Attendance for this seminar is free and open to the public. The event will be held virtually. Advance registration is required; please register here: https://udel.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZA5tmNbuQ7-Q06ampDjEkw
Join DESG at the Route 9 Library & Innovation Center as we share engaging storytelling sessions designed for children ages 0-5 years, with themes that foster curiosity and learning about the connection we all share with water, green spaces, and the natural world.
Join DESG at the Route 9 Library & Innovation Center as we share engaging storytelling sessions designed for children ages 0-5 years, with themes that foster curiosity and learning about the connection we all share with water, green spaces, and the natural world.
Calling all boaters! Derelict crab pots ghost fish and create navigational hazards. Delaware Sea Grant (DESG) is actively recruiting volunteer boaters interested in removing derelict crab pots in Delaware's Inland Bays for the 2024 season. This year’s efforts will be focused on the Rehoboth Bay.
Participation in these events is hard, dirty work and we appreciate your interest in learning more! We recommend that each boat captain plan to have at least 3 people to crew your vessel for these events. DESG and the University of Delaware will provide tools to assist in doing the work and get you up and running to track down and recover these lost pots. All volunteers will be required to attend a virtual training prior to the event to learn best practices. For more information about derelict crab pots, please visit our official topic page.
Interested in helping? Fill out our event interest form.
Contact DESG specialist Brittany Haywood with questions by e-mail or at 302-831-7005.
In this in-person workshop hosted by Delaware Sea Grant, sonar experts from the University of Delaware and Black Laser Learning Inc. will provide participants with presentations along with hands-on and boat-based experiences using a variety of side-scan sonar devices and post-processing software that focus on marine debris identification and removal applications.
Attendees will view demonstrations of a variety of sonar devices and set up (Hull mounted side imaging, Garmin Livescope, Humminbird 360, etc.), practice using sonar displays, and become familiar with viewing and processing data recorded in the field.
Who should attend: Those who own a boat with a side-scan sonar device already installed OR willing to participate in the DESG/ UD Sonar Library to borrow and install a temporary transducer mount and mobile unit, AND an interest in removing derelict crab pots or marine debris from the sea floor bottom.
This event is free. RSVP at this link. Contact DESG specialist Brittany Haywood with questions by e-mail or at 302-831-7005.
Join DESG at the Route 9 Library & Innovation Center as we share engaging storytelling sessions designed for children ages 0-5 years, with themes that foster curiosity and learning about the connection we all share with water, green spaces, and the natural world.
Note: For this event, the presentation will be from 10 – 10:30AM, and the Crab Trap Check will be from 10:40AM – 12PM
Have a full or half size crab pot that needs a little love? Bring it to Delaware Sea Grants’ Crab Trap Check event to replace floats, rope, cull rings and/or terrapin excluders. You bring the pot (limit 2 per person), and we’ll provide the upgraded materials free of charge while supplies last. Staff will be available onsite to assist in securing new parts, provide some crabbing tips, and answer any questions you may have.
Improperly rigged crab pots can cause pots to be lost or inefficiently fished. These lost or derelict crab pots litter Delaware’s Inland Bays seafloor causing damage to boat propellers or accidentally trapping and killing wildlife. Do your part to prevent your crab pot from becoming lost, and make sure your pot has all the rights parts attached the right way!
For more information about Delaware Sea Grant’s derelict crab pot initiatives, please visit deseagrant.org/derelict-crab-pots. For questions about the event or to ensure we bring enough materials please contact Brittany Haywood at haywoobl@udel.edu to RSVP.
Join DESG at the Route 9 Library & Innovation Center as we share engaging storytelling sessions designed for children ages 0-5 years, with themes that foster curiosity and learning about the connection we all share with water, green spaces, and the natural world.
Have a full or half size crab pot that needs a little love? Bring it to Delaware Sea Grants’ Crab Trap Check event to replace floats, rope, cull rings and/or terrapin excluders. You bring the pot (limit 2 per person), and we’ll provide the upgraded materials free of charge while supplies last. Staff will be available onsite to assist in securing new parts, provide some crabbing tips, and answer any questions you may have.
Improperly rigged crab pots can cause pots to be lost or inefficiently fished. These lost or derelict crab pots litter Delaware’s Inland Bays seafloor causing damage to boat propellers or accidentally trapping and killing wildlife. Do your part to prevent your crab pot from becoming lost, and make sure your pot has all the rights parts attached the right way!
For more information about Delaware Sea Grant’s derelict crab pot initiatives, please visit deseagrant.org/derelict-crab-pots. For questions about the event or to ensure we bring enough materials please contact Brittany Haywood at haywoobl@udel.edu to RSVP. This event is held in collaboration with Delaware Center for the Inland Bays.
Join Delaware Sea Grant and the University of Delaware for an interactive professional development about ocean currents, mixing, and microplastics.
In this one-day workshop, participants will engage with researchers from the University of Delaware and learn about recent research on the interaction between ocean currents, ocean mixing, and microplastics.
Participants will also be introduced to classroom ready lessons on the topic including an ocean current tank simulation activity that can be loaned to schools by the University of Delaware. All lessons are designed to support NGSS.
Note: This workshop is designed for middle and high school classroom teachers.
Registration: The workshop is FREE! Interested teachers should complete the online registration form. Classroom teachers that attend the workshop will receive a $100 stipend for attending.
Note: This event is rain or shine; in the event of inclement weather, activities will be moved indoors.
Join us for a day of celebrating Delaware’s blue crabs. This event hosted by Delaware Sea Grant will feature work related to the:
Biology of blue crabs,
Science behind side-scan sonar and use for locating and recovering derelict or lost crab pots
Refurbishment of recreational crabbers’ pots to help ensure they meet current regulations and best practices,
Education about responsible recreational crabbing and the impacts of abandoned and lost crab pots,
Current research being conducted at the University of Delaware Hugh R. Sharp campus via tours,
Volunteer opportunities available to assist with derelict crab pot removal events
Blue crabs are an important part of our ecosystems and culture. They are the scavengers of the sea and fill many menus in local restaurants and at home dinners. The local fishery has effects our environment in many ways. Improperly rigged crab pots can cause pots to be lost or inefficiently fished. These lost or derelict crab pots litter Delaware’s Inland Bays seafloor causing damage to boat propellers or accidentally trapping and killing wildlife. Come to this event to learn more about how to keep this species thriving. The program will include exhibitors from Delaware Sea Grant extension and education staff, UD scientists and students, DNREC, and other partners presenting information related to this topic. A selection of food trucks will also be present.
Interested in having your Crab Trap Checked? Bring your half or full sized crab pot to this event to replace floats, rope, cull rings and/or terrapin excluders. You bring the pot (limit 2 per person), and we’ll provide the upgraded materials free of charge while supplies last. Staff will be available onsite to assist in securing new parts and answer any questions you may have.
During the event, Lewes Campus Tours will begin promptly at 11 AM and 12 PM, are first come, first served, and approximately an hour long. Welcome speakers will begin at 10:30 AM.
Who Should Attend?
If you are interested in learning more about Delaware’s blue crabs, an avid or newby crabber interested in having your crab pot upgraded, or UD’s Lewes Campus, then this event is for you. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with exhibits, demonstrations, activities and leaders in the field during this indoor/ outdoor event.
More information:
For more information about Delaware Sea Grant’s derelict crab pot initiatives, please visit deseagrant.org/derelict-crab-pots. For questions about the event please contact Brittany Haywood at haywoobl@udel.edu.
Are you interested in connecting global climate research to climate change in Delaware? Would you like to incorporate authentic climate change data into your classroom instruction? In this four-day professional development workshop participants will interact with climate scientists from the University of Delaware and learn about recent climate change research being conducted in Antarctica. Participants will also learn about how this polar research relates and might impact climate change in Delaware.
Throughout the workshop, teachers will engage with real-world data collected by the researchers and learn how this data can be used in their classroom. Participants will work together to create lesson plans and resources based on this project to bring back to their classroom that support NGSS and their school curriculum.
This workshop is free and designed for middle and high school classroom teachers. Interested teacher should complete the online registration form. Classroom teachers that attend the workshop will receive a $140 stipend per day for attending.
Come join us in celebration and community of our first growing season at the City of Love Church community garden. There will be food trucks, vendors, live music and community. We will be gathering to have a good time and to celebrate all our hard work opening the community garden this year.
Have a full or half size crab pot that needs a little love? Bring it to Delaware Sea Grants’ Crab Trap Check event to replace floats, rope, cull rings and/or terrapin excluders. You bring the pot (limit 2 per person), and we’ll provide the upgraded materials free of charge while supplies last. Staff will be available onsite to assist in securing new parts, provide some crabbing tips, and answer any questions you may have.
Improperly rigged crab pots can cause pots to be lost or inefficiently fished. These lost or derelict crab pots litter Delaware’s Inland Bays seafloor causing damage to boat propellers or accidentally trapping and killing wildlife. Do your part to prevent your crab pot from becoming lost, and make sure your pot has all the rights parts attached the right way!
For questions about the event or to ensure we bring enough materials, please contact Brittany Haywood at haywoobl@udel.edu to RSVP. For more information about Delaware Sea Grant's derelict crab pot initiatives, please visit this page.
Learn about derelict blue crab pots and update your crab pots for free to prevent loss and ghost fishing! Bring your trap, and we'll add new floats, rope, cull rings and terrapin excluders as needed.
To RSVP to this event, click here. For more information about Delaware Sea Grant's derelict crab pot initiatives, please visit this page.
Join formal and nonformal educators from across the Mid-Atlantic to share ideas, resources, and inspiration for advancing education for climate action.
The goal of this conference is to gather formal and nonformal educators from across the Mid-Atlantic to share ideas, resources, and inspiration for advancing education for climate action. We know there are many stories related to climate change education and we invite you to share yours!
To learn more and register, visit the official MACCEC website.
Full scholarships are available for Mid-Atlantic educators. Apply here.
Calling all informal and formal educators of K-12 students! Join Delaware Sea Grant and the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays for WOW: Wonders of Wetlands Educator Workshop. This one-day workshop will provide participants with a background in wetlands and how wetlands can be used to teach a variety of science and environmental topics.
Participants will also be introduced to the Wonders of Wetlands Educator’s Guide which provides educators with classroom ready lessons that are designed to increase understanding of wetland ecology and issues, and promote informed decision-making regarding wetlands. This workshop serves as an exciting mini-conference for the Mid-Atlantic Marine Educators Association.
Registration is $25.00 per person and space is limited. To register, complete the online registration form.
Registrants will receive a copy of the "WOW!: The Wonders of Wetlands Educators Guide" ($25 value) and a one-year membership to the Mid-Atlantic Marine Educators Association ($15 value). Classroom teachers will also receive a $100 stipend for attending the workshop.
Have a full or half size crab pot that needs a little love? Bring it to Delaware Sea Grants’ Crab Trap Check event to replace floats, rope, cull rings and/or terrapin excluders. You bring the pot (limit 2 per person), and we’ll provide the upgraded materials free of charge while supplies last. Staff will be available onsite to assist in securing new parts, provide some crabbing tips, and answer any questions you may have.
Improperly rigged crab pots can cause pots to be lost or inefficiently fished. These lost or derelict crab pots litter Delaware’s Inland Bays seafloor causing damage to boat propellers or accidentally trapping and killing wildlife. Do your part to prevent your crab pot from becoming lost, and make sure your pot has all the rights parts attached the right way!
For questions about the event or to ensure we bring enough materials please contact Brittany Haywood at haywoobl@udel.edu to RSVP. For more information about Delaware Sea Grant's derelict crab pot initiatives, please visit this page.
Oyster Fest, presented by The American Gift Fund, is a 21+ event focused on outdoor games, live music, tasty food from Jamestown Catering, Prime Hospitality, Samuels Seafood Co. and cool beverages. All proceeds support the Delaware Museum of Nature & Science’s exhibits, programs and collections.
The museum is also spotlighting the vital role of oysters and other bivalves in our waters through the impactful work of local organizations, including Delaware Sea Grant, Delaware Wild Lands, Delaware Center for Inland Bays, Tri State Bird Rescue, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Delaware Nature Society, American Littoral Society, Brandywine River Restoration Trust, and the Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware.
Have a full or half size crab pot that needs a little love? Bring it to Delaware Sea Grants’ Crab Pot Trap Check event to replace floats, rope, cull rings and/or terrapin excluders.
Do you want to learn how to grow your own food? Or are interested in learning more about best gardening practices. In Partnership with the Urban Food and Farm Coalition, City of Love Church, and Delaware Sea Grant is holding an information event for the residents of Wilmington, DE on growing your own food, starting your own gardens (even in pots), and giving away free seeds to participants.
Join us on May 15th to learn how to use the Watershed Game as an effective and fun teaching and outreach tool in your programs.
What is the Watershed Game?
The Watershed Game is an active, hands-on simulation that helps participants understand the relationships between land use, water quality, flood resilience, and their community. Working in teams, participants apply tools (practices, plans, and policies) to decrease water pollution and increase flood resilience while balancing financial resources.
What does the workshop include?
This free workshop hosted by Delaware Sea Grant includes training on how to use the Coast Model of the Watershed Game which reflects critical coastal issues, including eutrophication and increasing flooding, as well as networking opportunities and connections to local programming. The workshop will highlight the different versions of the Coast Model: the Local Leader Version and the Classroom Version.
Learn how the flood risks to Delaware communities can be addressed and mitigated.
Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of indoor plants and successfully growing them in your home? Join the University of Delaware Master Gardeners, Messiah's Market, City of Love Church and Delaware Sea Grant at an informational event for residents of the City of Wilmington. Learn about the care of indoor plants, troubleshoot common problems, and pick up a free plant to take home.
This forum addresses some of the myths vs. facts about flood insurance coverage and the risk of flooding in Delaware.
Want to get involved in the community? Take part in DESG’s volunteer days, taking place on Tuesdays from March 5 to May 7th. To learn more and register, visit our volunteer signup form.
This course fulfills the DE Real Estate Commission requirements for Module 7 -Elective. During the course you will review how to gain a competitive edge by offering clients valuable insights into climate resilience and green infrastructure; how to reduce risks associated with climate change; and how to effectively market environmentally friendly properties via engaging advertising.
To learn more, and register, visit the Sussex County Association of Realtors (SCOAR) education program website.
Each year, RASCL hosts a statewide summit that brings together resilience practitioners, elected officials, government agencies, and community members to discuss the issues that matter to Delawareans.