Delaware Sea Grant is committed to helping Delaware prepare for and adapt to the effects of climate change.
Climate change is driving major changes throughout Delaware such as increased flooding, warmer temperatures, and more frequent droughts. These changes are very likely to have significant impacts on Delaware's infrastructure, coastal economy, and natural ecosystems.
At Delaware Sea Grant, we're giving communities the tools they need to prepare for climate change and supporting projects that help us better understand how climate change will impact Delaware.
What is Climate Change?
Global climate is the average climate - including temperature, precipitation, winds, storm patterns, and more - over the entire planet. While Earth's climate changes naturally over the scale of thousands of years, global climate has been rapidly changing as a result of human activity.
Burning fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and gasoline adds carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the Earth's atmosphere, which in turn trap more of the sun's heat against the planet. Overall, the concentration of heat-trapping carbon dioxide has risen by 46% since 1750 and average temperatures around the globe have risen by more than 1⁰F. In Delaware, temperatures have risen by more than 2⁰F.
If greenhouse gas emissions continue at current rates, scientists expect the Earth to warm by 5 to 9⁰F on average by 2100.
What’s the difference between climate and weather?
Weather is what’s happening in the atmosphere on any given day, in a specific place. Climate is the average of day-to-day weather over large areas and many years.
Keep in mind that unusually cold weather or snow doesn't mean that climate change isn't happening. We know that average temperatures are rising around the world. However, even as temperatures continue to rise, we can expect to have some colder-than-average seasons or even colder-than-average years at the local or regional level.
How does modern climate change differ from natural changes in the Earth's climate in the past?
The Earth's climate changed many times in the distant past as a result of natural causes, but today's climate change is different because human activity is the main cause - and warming is happening much faster than at any point in the Earth's past. In addition, modern human societies have developed and thrived during a period of relatively stable climate. This century marks the first time that humans will have to deal with rapidly changing climate on a global scale.
What’s the difference between "climate change" and "global warming"?
The terms climate change and global warming are often used interchangeably. Global warming refers to how average temperatures are rising as a result of greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change is a more holistic term that encompasses not only rising temperatures, but also changing patterns of precipitation and storms as a result of the planet's warming.
Climate Change Impacts
The 1-2⁰F increase in temperature that the world has experienced so far may not sound like much, but it’s enough to dramatically impact the planet. The ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are melting at unprecedented rates, causing the ocean to rise by about six inches. The ocean is also warming, reducing the extent of Arctic sea ice and increasing the intensity of storms. In addition, wildfires and droughts are increasing in frequency and intensity as a result of just 1⁰F of warming.
In Delaware, there are six major ways in which climate change will impact our state:
For more information on how climate change will impact Delaware, check out the Delaware Climate Change Impact Assessment report.
Adapting to Climate Change
The future economic, human, and ecological costs of climate change can be staggering. But proactive planning and community action can help minimize or even prevent future damages. Developing adaptation action plans can help Delaware communities take a comprehensive approach to finding the best solutions, solve more than one problem with a single solution, and make local economies and infrastructure resilient to climate change.
An adaptation plan should:
Identify and assess the impacts that are likely to affect a community;
Identify actions that can help minimize these impacts;
Establish and implement a process to achieve these actions.
How Can Your Community Adapt to Climate Change?
Preparing Delaware for Climate Change
Delaware Sea Grant and the State of Delaware are committed to helping local communities prepare for the present and future impacts of climate change. To learn more about our efforts, check out our ongoing extension projects, funded research, and resources for adapting to a changing climate.
Learn more about our past climate change extension and research projects in our archive.